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3 tips for surviving a flight

tips for surviving a flight
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Block out the noise

If you’re someone who’s scared of flying, having something in your ears to block out the noise around you can be a blessing. Play some music or a particular album that is comforting and familiar to you, or listen to a feel-good or gripping book that takes you out of your surroundings.


If you don’t like listening to music or books, or you are more interested in going to sleep, make sure to pack some good ear plugs. These can be found at most pharmacies but if you forget them, all good airports will sell them too.

Stay active and hydrated

It is really important for your health that you keep blood circulating around your body during your flight. This is not such an issue for short-haul flights but for long-haul ones, you should definitely get up a few times during the flight to stretch your legs.


This can sometimes be difficult due to narrow aisles with lots of people walking up and down, but if you’re on a night flight, there will be times where these areas are empty. Don’t be afraid to go and stand in the areas near the toilets and cockpit, if you explain to the stewards that you are just stretching your legs, they shouldn’t have a problem with it.


If you’re stuck in the middle seat you can also do some exercises whilst in your seat to keep your blood flowing such as rolling your ankles or flexing them back and forth.


Drinking enough water is also really important when flying as it is easy to become dehydrated thanks to the dry air. Try to avoid caffeine and alcohol and instead bring a big bottle of water on board with you or accept the offer of water whenever the trolley comes.




If you’re on a night flight and you aren’t sure whether you will be provided with a pillow or a blanket by the airline, then be sure to purchase a neck pillow and something to cover yourself with like a big hoody or sweatshirt as airplanes have a tendency to be chilly.


As airplane food has the reputation of being a little unsatisfactory, you could pack a couple of your favourite snacks with you in case you don’t end up eating the lunch or dinner that they serve.


If your skin tends to get dry quite easily, then you might want to bring a travel size version (don’t get it confiscated at security!) version of your favourite moisturiser or hand cream. It will keep your skin soft and hydrated and also a nice, familiar smell can make you feel more comfortable.


Content submitted by Trendhim, an online accessory shop selling a range of products including bags, watches, earrings and shaving items.

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